Sunday, July 20, 2014

Tests and assessment for term 3- grade 10 and 11

Hi guys.

Your assessments for the term will be as follows:
An unprepared speech (10 marks): this mark will be given based on your contribution to class discussions (such as during the introduction to The  Crucible/ comprehensions and poetry). You will also receive topics which you will have to speak about at random. It might occur that you will be assessed twice amd marks will be combined.

Poetry test (35 marks) 1 unseen poem and two studied poems will be assessed. Listen in class to find out which ones will be important.

Literature test on The Crucible (35 marks) This test will take place later on in the term and the structure will be similar to the first Hate List test which you wrote. Listen in class to find out which Acts should be studied.

Grade 10 assessments will be posted on the blog in the first week of school this term. But you should most likely prepare yourself for another Hunger Games essay.

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