Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Crucible act 1 answers.

1) The situation at the beginning of Act 1 is tense and surrounded in suspicion. Parris is praying with a sense of urgency, which reveals that they are thought to be quite religious and to turn to God in times of trouble. Parris' abode is also described as being quite simple with only a few necessities showing that they believe that simplicity is a form of worship.

2) Rev. Parris is worried and uneasy. He is alarmed because of  what he saw in the forest the previous night as well and believes that this could affect his role as a leader and his reputation.  

3) Susanna Walcott returns from the doctor who told her 'to look to unnatural causes' to try and cure Betty's.

4) Parris is the leader of the church, which also makes him the leader of Salem.

5)  The Putnam's encourage the idea that witchcraft is present in Salem and at this point Parris is not willing to accept it as it will destroy his reputation. The Putnam's will

6) Abigail Williams is an artful actress because she is able to mould her character to suit different people. When she is with her uncle she pretends to be innocent and pure.  When she is around the girls she is nasty to them, vicious and harsh and even threatens to kill them. When she is around John Proctor she behaves seductively as she is aware that he is drawn to that side of her.

7) When John Proctor comes into the scene the sense of drama is heightened because the conversation that takes place between Abigail and himself is an implication of the events the previous night. John Proctor is also married and his conversation with Abigail can challenge the status quo of Salem. 
He also challenges Rev. Parris and Putnam by exposing their faults and pretentious nature. He is a threat to those in power.

8) John Proctor is liked by many because he is logical, sensible, intelligent and has a sense of decorum. He also is a successful farmer.
Many are however threatened by him because his ideas are contrary to those emphasised by Parris.

9.1) Thomas Putnam believes that he is not given the recognition he deserves by many in Salem. He feels that many people have also taken land that should rightfully belong to him. By accusing others he will be able to take control  over the wealth of others.
9.2) Ann Putnam will gain an explanation about why so many of her babies died before they were a day old.
9.3) Rev.  Hale will gain more recognition as someone who was able to find and get rid of witches. He will be known as someone who is experienced in dealing with such issues.
9.4)  Abigail williams will gain recognition from the people of Salem, whom until now did  not take her seriously because she is young, unmarried and an orphan.  She also believes that if she accuses Elizabeth Proctor she will be able to take her place as John Proctor's wife
9.5) Tituba who was once oppressed is able to save herself from hanging initially and gains power over others by accusing them.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

English quiz

Monday, August 4, 2014

MS. Kera spoils the fun- Test days

Language and Comprehension- GRADE 10+11 Friday, 8/08/2014

Poetry Test: Wednesday 27 August 2014
The Thought Fox
Refugee Mother and Child
Somewhere i have never traveled
The meeting